Key Strategies to Capture and Measure the Value of Consumerization of IT

In a Forrester Consulting Thought Leadership Paper Commissioned by Trend Micro, results of an online survey of 202 BYOD program decision-makers in enterprises in the US, the UK, France, and Germany are reported. The complete survey is not available in the internet any more. Results from this study include (quote):

  • “Enterprises deploy a variety of BYOD programs to support employees. Sixty percent of US and European firms deploy BYOD programs for smartphones; 47% deploy BYOD programs for tablets and laptops.
  • Increasing worker productivity and flexibility are leading factors driving BYOD program deployment. In fact, 70% of survey respondents cited increasing worker productivity as a key driver for BYOD programs.
  • Enterprises measure the impact of BYOD programs on expenses and other metrics. Between 38% and 60% of enterprises that have deployed BYOD programs also measure the impact of these programs on a variety of expenses, including software license fees, maintenance fees, and infrastructure expenses for telecom and virtual device infrastructure solutions.
  • Increasing worker productivity is the top benefit achieved from deploying BYOD programs. Over 80% of firms base their business case for deploying BYOD programs on improving worker productivity, and nearly 70% achieved increased bottom line revenues. The jury is still out on whether financial benefits, alone, are strong enough to justify BYOD programs, however, it is clear that the BYOD business case is driven by employee adoption.”

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