Smarter, Faster, Better eGovernment – 8th Benchmark Measurement | November 2009

excerpt: Country Report GERMANY …

8thBenchmarkeGovernment2009Germany achieved growth in broadband access and internet use. However eGovernment availability, and usage, particularly among business has slightly stagnated. Germany has a very comprehensive eGovernment programme, which is in a state of change, towards the new 2.0 paradigm of (e)participation, administrative innovation inclu­ding downsizing bureaucracy, and putting the Internet at the core of public service delivery. At the same time it is focusing on managing the challenges of enduring legacy systems and integrating different levels of government. Recently the governance and management of eGovern­ment and public ICT policies have consolidated into one federal CIO function at state secretary level and an IT Council for coordinated roll out of eGovernment and horizontal ICT issues across all levels of govern­ment. The fragmentation caused by Germany’s federal structure also has advantages for piloting services and testing new solutions in different states.



