Australian ICT Business Case Guide (2012)

ICT_Business_Case_Guide2012This guide will assist Australian Public Service agencies to develop sound business cases when seeking to make significant ICT investments. Business cases developed in accordance with this guide are expected to be suitable for both internal decision making and as inputs to the ICT Two Pass Review process.

The primary aim of a business case is to provide information on the benefits, costs and risks involved with a proposal. It forms the basis for effective decision making
A business case captures the reasoning for initiating an investment. Whenever resources are consumed, they should be in support of a specific business need. A compelling business case adequately captures both the business need and how the proposed investment meets that need.

The business case provides a basis for planning and implementation. It
provides the justification for the investment, so the ongoing viability
of the investment should be measured against the business case.
Business cases are evaluated to ensure:
• the investment has value, importance and relevance
• the implementation will be properly managed
• the organisation has the capability to deliver the benefits
• the organisation’s resources are working on the highest value opportunities
• initiatives with inter-dependencies are undertaken in the optimum sequence.

Download: ICT_Business_Case_Guide_2012_Australia